Brihat Vata Chintamani Ras

Brihat Vata Chintamani Rasa is a unique herbomineral formulation explained in the context of Vatavyadhi in Bhaishajya ratnavali, Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakar & Siddha yoga sangraha.

Brihat Vata Chintamani RasRef: Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakar, 4/6985

Properties: Vatashamaka, Ojovardhaka, Hrudya, Balya, Rasayana, Saptadhatuposhak, Mashtishka Balya, Vatvahini Balya, Medhya, kshayagna, & yogavahi.

Indications: Vata – Pittaja Pakshaghat, more beneficial in the Initial stage, ArditVataSandhigatavata, Amavata, Jirnajwara, Apatantraka, Pittashrita Vataroga, Manodaurbalya, Vatapittaja unmada, Murchha, Bhrama, Pralapa.

Composition: Each 225 mg tablet contains

Swarna bhasma Purified gold calx Purified 28.125 mg
Mukta bhasma Pearl calx 28.125 mg
Pravala bhasma Purified Coral calx 28.125mg
Rajata Bhasma Purified Silver calx 18.75 mg
Abhraka Bhasma
Loha Bhasma
Purified Mica calx
Purified Iron calx
18.75 mg
Ras sindhur Red Sulfide of Mercury 65.625mg
Excipients q.s.


      • Acts as a stimulant, nervine, nootropic, and rejuvenator.
      • Helpful in Cardiac Arrhythmias, BVCR regulates and enhances arterial blood flow.
      • Brihatvata Chintamani Ras acts on the Srothoavorodha (Atherosclerosis) and aids in normalizing blood flow through the arteries.
      • The Medhya property of BVCR helps promote Vakshuddhi and is helpful in Pralapa and Smrithi dourbalya.
      • Increases Ojus, improves the Immune system, acts as best Rasayana.
      • BVCR acts on Pranavaha srotas and its moola, Hridaya thus beneficial in hridroga.
      • BVCR improves Haemoglobin correcting Iron deficiency Anaemia relieves Pandu and Sopha.
      • Yogavahi action of BVCR results in the fast targeted action of the drug.
      • Scientific studies show Gold and Silver Calxes have the following actions,
          1. Analgesic property
          2. Immune-stimulant activity
          3. Anxiolytic action
          4. Anti-depressant
          5. Antioxidant activity in ischemic conditions of the Brain.
      • Calcium ions from Pearl calx in BVCR help in the normalization of Muscle contraction, the Action potential of Cardiac muscle physiology, Strengthens Bones, and normalize Synaptic transmission of signals in Axons of Nerves.
Amayika Prayoga:
      • Irregular heartbeat: BVCR with Akeeka pishti
      • In Jwara BVCR with Guduchi swarasa
      • In Pakshaghata: BVCR with Honey, Butter
      • In Bhrama and pralapa: BVCR with Shankapushpi swarasa or Brahmi swarasa
      • Vataja roga BVCR with Maharasnadi Kwata
      • Skin-related allergic conditions: BVCR with Tagaradi kwatha
      • Pittaja roga: BVCR with Jatamansyadi Kwata

Dosage: 1 tab once or twice a day or as directed by the physician, preferably consume with cow ghee or honey, or cow milk.

Net Weight : 225 mg

Anupana: Goksheera, Madhu, Navanita, Maharasnadi kasayam or Guduchi Svarasa

Indications:Jeerna Sandhigatavata, Pakshaghata, Hridroga.

Presentation: 10×1, 10×3 Tablet Blister Pack.

Precaution: All materials that require pre-pharmaceutical processing have been subjected to the same and complied with the standards laid down in the texts before being incorporated into the preparation.

Warning:  Schedule E drugs are to be taken strictly under the Doctors’ supervision.

Caution: The above content is for information only, not for self-treatment or diagnosis. Medications are to be strictly taken under an Ayurvedic physician’s prescription only.



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