Femitone Capsules

Femitone is a femineity beautifying drug which acts on feminine related conditions like,

Polycystic ovarian syndrome or disease (PCOS/PCOD):Femitone Capsules

Is a disorder affecting the women of reproductive age group caused due to hormonal imbalance of either oestrogen, GNRH, FSH. Any imbalance in these hormones will lead to PCOS. In a breakdown of these reproductive hormones, the ovaries release the abnormal quantity of male hormones(androgens) which will result in prolonged menstrual period, irregular menstruation, loss of hair, acne and excessive body hair, especially on the chin and hyperpigmentation in the neck. In this condition, ovaries will fail to produce follicles and regular release of the eggs, this absence of the egg will lead to difficulty in conception.

Menorrhagia is substantial heavy menstrual flow, usually lasting for more than seven days, prolonged bleeding and with severe cramps which disturb the day- to- day activity due to fatigue and tiredness because of leaden blood loss. Causes being the development of the endometrium in excess, fibroid uterus and others.

Metrorrhagia is irregular bleeding actually between two menstrual cycles, associated with stress and due to the approaching menopause.

Fibroid uterus is a condition which occurs in women of the child bearing age, this is a noncancerous growth of the uterus. Symptoms are usually back pain and increased menstrual bleed, increased number of urine urges, pain during coitus.

Anovulatory cycle is a condition in which the absence of the egg from the ovary in the normal menstrual cycle. This condition will be associated with irregular bleeding.

Action of Femitone:
  • By strengthening the uterus and stimulate ovarian function Femitone boosts women health and be used to manage uterine problems such as endometriosis as Femitone can balance the effect of hypothalamus.
  • Infertility in women can be addressed by Femitone in account to triggering maturation and the release of eggs from the ovary, hence, making it a beneficial even in anovulatory infertility and also can be used in blocked fallopian tubes.
Femitone In Regularizing the cycles:
  • Regulation of female hormones is done by Femitone and helps in managing the menstrual cycle associated with excessive bleeding, congestion and pain. Femitone produce oxytocic activity on human myometrial tubes.
  • In irregular menstrual cycles and miscarriage, Femitone is very effective as a uterine tonic. Alterations in cyclicity and reproductive hormone level can be potentially restored by Femitone.
Femitone as pain reliever:
      • Muscle relaxant and anti-oxidant action of Femitone supports the uterus and the pelvic floor, hence Femitone is the best in treating dysmenorrhoea, low-back ache, tiredness.
      • The circulatory system can be potentially regulated by Femitone as it helps in encouraging uterine flow and thus treating conditions that cause painful menstruation, coitus. The tone of the uterus can be improved by Femitone and it also relieves burning sensation and hot flushes specially in menopausal women.
Influence of Femitone on Hormones:
      • Action of Femitone is to normalize FSH and LH levels in females, reduce male hormones thus manage the development and pubertal maturation in young females.
      • The presence of oestrogenic compound in Femitone stimulate an effect on the inner layer of uterus (endometrium) and ovarian tissue. Balanced levels of hormones help in ovulation or the release of eggs from the fallopian tubes in case of anovulatory condition.

Caution: Above content is for information only, not for self-treatment or diagnosis. Medications to be strictly taken under ayurvedic physician’s prescription only.

Composition: Each 500 mg capsule contains extracts of

Sanskrit Name Scientific Name Part Used Qty.
Asoka Saraca asoca St bk 75mg
Satavari Asparagus racemosus Rt 75mg
Lodhra Symplocos racemosa St Bk 50mg
Kumari Aloevera barbadensis Lf Juice 50mg
Nagakesara Mesua ferrea Fl 50mg
Sravani Sphaeranthus indica Rz 50mg
Varuna Cretaeva religiosa St BK 50mg
Putranjeeva Putranjiva roxburghii Sd 50mg
Kuberaksha Ceasalpinia bonduc Sd 50mg

Dosage: 2 capsules twice a day in acute condition, followed by 1 capsule twice or thrice daily with warm water after food for 60-90 days or as directed by Vaidya.

Indications: PCOD, Anovulatory Cycles , Uterine Fibroids, Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia.

Presentation: 10×10 capsules Blister pack, 1000s Jar packing.


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