Laghu Sutasekhar Ras

Laghu sutshekhar Ras is an important medicine used in Ayurveda, which acts on pitta Dosha and reduces symptoms like heartburn, nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain in, addition it gives good results in headaches, migraine, etc

It has Tridosha hara action more specifically Pitta dosha

Net Weight: 250mg             Ref: Rasa Tantra Sara, Kharaliya Rasayana

Dosage: 1 tablet twice or thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

Indication: Amlapitta, Pleeharoga, Agnimandhya

Anupana: Warm water, Honey

Laghu sutshekhar Ras has  Shunthi and Nagavalli with Deepana–Pachana property,  acts as Agnideepaka, acts as detoxifier and helps to reduce AMA in the body .

Its effects appear on all three dosha, but especially it reduces aggravated Pitta.

      • Shunti in Laghusutasekhar Ras prevents inflammation of the inner lining of the gut and prevents damage to the gastric and intestinal mucosa.
      • Piper beetle in Laghu Sutashekhar Ras has a gastroprotective effect by increasing the mucus content of gastric mucosa and inhibiting the volume of Gastric acid secretion.
      • Ginger in Laghu Sutashekhar Ras enhances smooth muscle relaxation and enhances peristalsis thus relieving gastric fullness, bloating, and nausea.
      • Aquous extract of Ginger may protect the gastric mucosa from stress induce mucosal lesions and inhibits gastric acid secretion probably by blocking H+ ion, K+-ATPase action, inhibiting growth of hpylori and offering anti-oxidant protection against oxidative stress induced gastric.
      • Shuddha Gairika in Laghusutasekhar Ras has Madhura rasa and sheeta veerya that help neutralize the effects of katu Vipaka on Gastric mucosa thus helps manage gastritis and hiccough.
      • Ginger in Laghu Sutasekhar Ras may be effective against H. pylori, factor associated with dyspepsia, and peptic ulcer disease.

Precaution: All materials that require pre-pharmaceutical processing have been subjected to the same and complied with the standards laid down in the texts before being incorporated into the preparation.

Warning:  Schedule E drugs are to be taken strictly under the Doctors’ supervision.

Caution: The above content is for information only, not for self-treatment or diagnosis. Medications are to be strictly taken under an Ayurvedic physician’s prescription only. 

Name Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Doshakarma Karma Qty (mg)
Sunti (Zinziber officinale) Katu Guru, Ruksha, Tikshna Ushna Madhura Kapha-vata hara Agni Deepana, bhedana, hrudya 83
Sudha Gairika


Kashaya, Madhura Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Kapha pittanashaka Sthambana, Vishaghna 167

Bhavana with
Nagavalli Patra Swarasa (Piper beetle) – Q.S


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