Swithrowin Capsule

Swithrowin is the clinically tested and proven formulation for Vitiligo or Leukoderma  commonly called as White Patches.swithrowin capsules

Vitiligo (leukoderma) is a Chronic, non-contagious skin condition characterized by  whitepatches of the skin due to loss of Melanin , the Skin pigment.

Vitiligo occurs when Melanocytes ,the cells that produce melanin are damaged due to various causes  impairing the Melanin  Production and its deposition  in affected areas of Skin.

This manifests as White patches of skin .

Vitiligo is an auto-immune disease which may be due to  genetic susceptibility, ortriggered by environmental factors, can be aggravated bypsychological stress.

The body’owns immune system attacks and destroys the melanocytes.

Action of Swithrowin:

      • Swithrowin is a potent formulation whichnormalizes the melanocytes the Melanin producing cells.
      • The Immunomodulatory activity treats the Auto Immune disorder, major cause of Vitiligo , thus restoring Melanocytes functions of Melanin production. and deposition .
      • Normalises the production of Melanin hence restores the normal color of the skin over affected areas.

Benefits of Swithrowin:

      • Advantage of Swithrowin is that it only normalisesthe colour of the skin without causing any other side effects like  blisters over the skin surface.
      • Swithrowin increases the blood circulation locally and helps in production of Bhrajaka Pitta that imparts colour to the skin.
      • The ingredients of Swithrowin also promote natural skin tone andcolour, helps in restoring of damaged melanocytes function and also  prevents  theirfurther destruction .
      • Swithrowinthus effectively treats Vitiligo if All the Dietary and Lifestyle modifications as advised by Treating doctor are strictly followed .

Caution: Above content is for information only, not for self-treatment or diagnosis. Medications are to be strictly taken under Ayurvedic physician’s prescription only.

Composition: Each 500 mg capsule contains extracts of

Sanskrit Name Scientific Name Part Used Qty.
Bakuchi Psoralea corylifolia Sd 200 mg
Kakodumbara Ficus hispida St bk 200 mg
Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica Rt 100 mg

Dosage: 1 capsule twice a day with water after food for 3-6 months or as directed by Vaidya.

Indications: Leucoderma (Swithra).

Presentation: 10×10 capsules Blister pack, 1000s Jar packing.


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