Kamadudha Ras Mouktikayukta

Kamadudha Ras is an Ayurvedic Kharaliya Rasayana, that helps treat various vyadhis of Mahastrotasa like Amlapitta, Pittajatisara, Rakta Atisara, Raktapitta etc.

Kamdudha ras is Sheetaviryatmak, Raktastambhak and Pittashamak.

It reduces Pitta in the body, balances acid production in the stomach, reduces inflammation of the organs of the digestive system and lowers the tendency of bleeding

It reduces inflammation of the stomach lining, gives strength to the mucus-lined barrier in the stomach, and protects the stomach lining from the damage caused by irritants like alcohol, painkillers, and bacteria.

Net Weight: 250mg                                     Ref: Rasayoga Sagar

Dosage: 1 tablet twice or thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

Indication: Amlapitta, Pitta vikara

Anupana: Godugdha, Go Ghrita,  Amlaki Swarasa, Sukhoshna Jala.

For gastritis and burning sensation- with sugar, Amalaki powder, and ghee.

      • Gastroprotective
      • Anti-ulcer
      • Antacid

Kamadudha Ras Mouktikayukta

Ref: Rasayoga Sagar 

Name Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Doshakarma Karma Quantity (mg)
Mukta Pishti Madhura Laghu Sheeta Madhura Pitta shamaka Vrishya, Hridya, Deepana 35.714
Pravala Pishti Kshara, Madhura Laghu Sheeta Madhura Tridosha shamaka Deepana, Pachana, Balya 35.714
Shukti Pishti Katu, Madhura Snigdha Sheeta katu Vata-kapha hara Deepana, ruchikara 35.714
Kapardhak Bhasma Katu, Madhura Snigdha Sheeta katu Vata-kapha hara Deepana, ruchikara 35.714
Sudhha Swarna Gairika Madhura, kashaya snigdha sheeta Madhura Kapha-pittha hara Netrya, vishaghna 35.714
Guduchi satva (Tinospora cordifolia)  Tikta, Kashaya Guru, snigdha Ushna Madhura Tridosha hara Medhya, Rasayana, Medohara 35.714
Shanka bhasma Kshara Sheeta, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Pitta shamaka Vishaghna. Balya, Varnya 35.714


      • All ingredients are Sheetviryatmak and Pittashamak, that reduces Tikshnata of Pitta. Svarna gairik is stambhak which reduces Pittastrava ( Increased acid secretions).
      • Mukta bhasma with its main component Calcium carbonate act as an antacid by neutralizing and prolonging the buffering action against Hydrochloric acid in gastric secretions and thus protect the gastric mucosal layer.
      • Guduchi satva in Kamadudha Ras has Antiulcer activity and reduces ulcers along with a decrease in total acidity, and an increase in pH of gastric secretions.
      • Kapardak bhasma in Kamadudha Ras has carminative, anti-flatulent, anti-spasmodic action, relieves bloating, flatulence, and cramps, neutralizes the acid, improves appetite and digestion which may help reduce Ama formation & eliminate the produced Ama.
      • Most ingredients of Kamadudha Ras contain calcium carbonate which functions as a connecter in between the intercellular association of mucosa.
      • Calcium ions released from calcium-based bhasmas and pishtis in Kamadudha Ras enhance the protective mechanism of the gastric mucosa.

Precaution: All materials that require pre-pharmaceutical processing have been subjected to the same and complied with the standards laid down in the texts before being incorporated into the preparation.

Warning:  Schedule E drugs are to be taken strictly under the Doctors’ supervision.

Caution: The above content is for information only, not for self-treatment or diagnosis. Medications are to be strictly taken under an Ayurvedic physician’s prescription only


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